News from our company

Simon Nuß

Simon Nuß takes over the office management at Brockhoff

Essen, 16. September 2021.

With Simon Nuss as the new OFFICE division manager, Brockhoff has gained an experienced real estate consultant who has been active in the real estate market for almost 15 years. The Dortmund resident is a trained real estate agent and graduated from the EBZ (European Education Center for Housing and Real Estate) with a Bachelor of Arts in Real Estate. In his last position, he was responsible for office leasing at a well-known Cologne real estate agency. At Brockhoff, Simon Nuss will head the OFFICE team and expand the area operationally. The further development of structures and processes in the growing team will be his focus in order to provide customers with an even better service.

The long-standing employee Tobias Altenbeck, member of the management and division manager OFFICE and LOGISTICS, will in future concentrate even more on his management tasks at the Essen real estate consultant. Longstanding key customers as well as exceptionally large transactions in the OFFICE and LOGISTICS areas will continue to be looked after by Altenbeck (B. A. Real Estate).

“The new distribution of tasks in our company is a logical step in our good business success. I would like to thank Tobias Altenbeck for his outstanding achievements in recent years and I am pleased to have found an equal successor for our team leader in Simon Nuss,” commented Eckhard Brockhoff, managing partner of Brockhoff, his personnel decision.