Working at Brockhoff

Develop professionally


personal growth

Our job offers

Go your way at Brockhoff

Tell us your career vision. Together we will find your way there.

With a 35-year company history, a regular customer share of over 77% and sales of several hundred million euros annually, we are one of the most successful companies in the real estate sector in Germany. As an owner-managed company, we also rely on consistency among all our employees - in contrast to many large corporations, which hire employees in good times and lay them off again in bad times. But despite all the security: We believe that a successful career is only possible if it matches your own goals, skills and interests. That's why we don't just offer any career path, but always your own. Creative freedom, flexibility, support and creativity are firmly anchored in our corporate culture. Tell us what you want your career to be - and together we'll find a way to get there.

Apply now
You go your own way here. But you'll never go it alone with us.

Specialist or management career at Brockhoff

Specialist or manager? You matter.

In many companies, unfortunately, the opinion still prevails today that you are either born a manager or you are not. It is even more surprising when managers are held in higher esteem than specialists. This much is certain: In our company, both careers are worth the same. They only differ in their tasks. That's why in our company there are real estate professionals with management responsibilities and again others who prefer to specialize in a particular field and thus become a specialist authority. This means for you: You are just as welcome at our company with the goal of a specialist career as you are with the desire to take on management tasks. In other words, what counts is your performance. It's up to you to decide in which area and with which tasks.

Days of vacation per year (minimum)
Team events per year
Social projects per year

Compensation at Brockhoff

We are looking for personalities,
not commission hunters.

Let's get it straight from the start: With us, you will receive a salary that is above average for the industry and you can continue to increase it yourself. The Brockhoff business card in your pocket will help you do this. Benefit from our international network and expand it with us. Together we generate orders and process them to the absolute satisfaction of our customers. Quickly, quietly and professionally.

Career changers at Brockhoff

Career changers also make
careers with us.

Someone once referred to us as a talent factory. We're happy to let that stand, because many talented people from very different backgrounds have found their way to us. Among them were and still are sales specialists from a wide variety of industries as well as absolute career changers. People who, after many years in their job, suddenly had the desire to "turn a completely different wheel" again professionally. You would be such a career changer and ask yourself what you need to become a real estate agent? Generally speaking, you only need three things: knowledge of the market (which you will acquire with us), knowledge of human nature and the will to bring yourself and our company forward (which you will bring with you). With us, you learn the profession "on the job", so to speak. In addition to a structured induction and ongoing training measures, we will take you along to customer meetings right from the start, so that you can attend your first customer meetings and conduct negotiations after only a short time. Because for us, learning only really takes place when you get to do it right away.

Become a real estate agent
Presentation of Brockhoff GmbH

"As a trained insurance and finance clerk, I came from a completely different industry. Of course, as a career changer, you have a lot of questions at the beginning. However, it is not a matter of course to have colleagues at your side who are always approachable and make it as easy as possible for you to get started. And yes - making mistakes is simply part of the job. Because here we see it like this: Only those who make mistakes also try something new."

Devin Diviniyathasan Real estate consultant and career changer

Error culture at Brockhoff

We are courageous.
But not reckless.

We are courageous.
Only those who are prepared to make mistakes will try something new. In other words, no one has ever started a revolution in the comfort zone. That's why we live a healthy error culture. In a business context, this means that we take risks, but are not reckless. For you as an employee, this means: You should be courageous, but of course not careless. With this attitude, we want to whet the appetite of career changers in particular for entering our industry and support them in learning the tools of the real estate trade quickly and easily. We are sure that you will quickly feel at home in our supportive working atmosphere and that you will develop accordingly quickly. Perhaps most importantly, everyone in our team is always approachable and there for you. That's a promise. Does that sound good? Then we look forward to your call.

Apply Now Questions?
You can develop professionally here. But also personally.
Office of Brockhoff GmbH

Your benefits at Brockhoff

Employer benefits that go without saying

What many employers consider special employer benefits are standard for us. Because we know that benefits such as an above-average salary, a company car or modern technical equipment are far from being good reasons to choose an employer. However, so that we can concentrate on the really important things, such as your personal goals or career aspirations and opportunities when we get to know you personally, here are a few.

Icon salary
Above average salary and commissions
Icon Company Car
Attractive company car (also for private use)
Icon Coaching
Regular training and coaching
Icon Karriere
Best promotion and career opportunities
Icon Fruit
Fresh fruit
Icon Drinks
Cold and hot drinks
Icon Equipment Hardware
iPhone, iPad and iMac equipment
Icon Thermometer
Air conditioned offices